An unparalleled nature journey along a pristine wild coast
Full 3.5 day trail 50 km
The Perlemoen Trail is a spectacular hiking trail stretching 50 km from the wild Quoin Point nature reserve to the dramatic
Walker Bay nature reserve located 2.5 hours drive from Cape Town
This 4 day trail is suitable for anyone with a medium level of fitness. This is slackpacking so you only need to carry your day pack and each night is spent in the very comfortable guest house Lucky Fish

One of the most impressive trails in the world, this is a trail for leisure walkers as much as for serious hikers.
Fiona McIntosh - International author of numerous books on hiking and editor of OUT THERE Magazine
The Perlemoen Trail
Trail Day 1: (Quoin Point Reserve) 13 km
Trail Day 2: (Pearly Beach Reserve) 15 km
Trail Day 3: (Uilkraal Reserve) 15 km
Trail Day 4: (Walker Bay Reserve) 4 km / 6 km
7.30/8 am each morning a selection of Breakfast buffet favourites is served. After breakfast we set off for the days trail. About midday we stop for a healthy and delicious packed lunch along with fruits an nuts and home made crunchies as energising snacks. We finish each days hike at 3pm / 3.30 pm back at Lucky Fish leaving 3 hours to relax before a hearty dinner either at the guest house or at our local restaurant a short walking distance from the house
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Each leg of the trail varies in character and offers a unique view of this beautiful coastline, professionally interpreted with special insights into marine ecology, fynbos medicinal plants and flowers an in-depth understanding of Khoisan history and the many shipwrecks in these waters. The rich diversity of wildlife only found here, combined with the freshest air on the planet and spectacular natural scenery around every point, including an unforgettable gastronomic foraging experience, makes this a first class adventure for family and friends.

Day 1: Perlemoen Trail
Location: Quoin Point reserve – Die Dam – Buffejagsbaai
Rating: Medium: slight 40 meter high gradient, medium fitness, 13km
The trail starts at the sleepy holiday resort of Die Dam following a jeep track into Quoin Point Reserve, the second most Southerly point on the African continent.
The trail cuts through pristine fynbos covered dunes leading to the coast. At the coast we take some time to observe a local Cape Fur Seal breeding colony, before hugging the shore towards the historical light house at Quoin Point.
Next is a 4km long open beach section backed by a spectacular wind carved sandstone cliff, a great place to cool off and swim in summer. The shipwrecks of the Fynd & Swona (1947) can be seen at low tide here.

We end the day at Bufflesjagsbaai. We can also see the Overberg’s largest Abalone farm next to the village which brings much needed employment to this quiet part of the world. This small fishing village has some colourful characters and it is well worth stopping to have a chat.

Day 2: Perlemoen Trail
Location: Bufflesjagsbaai – Pearly Beach.
Rating: Medium/easy: medium fitness, 15km
We start where we left off at Bufflesjagsbaai heading towards Pearly Beach reserve. At Plaatjieskraalbaai a very popular Kabeljou fishing spot, we walk through this areas version of Kolmanscop ghost town, an abandoned holiday resort buried in sand, due to the drifting dunes. A great photographic opportunity!
We follow the seashore around its many granite boulder protected bays, past Bantamsklip the controversial proposed site for a nuclear power station, to the shipwreck site of Otori Maru (1984). Much of the wreck remains and at low tide it is easy to explore.
The last section is Sweetfontain, and the long flat sandy beach provides great viewing of the whales and dolphins when they are here. We finish in Pearly Beach, at the Fynbos centre, a local conservation initiative where you can see an amazing diversity of local fynbos flowers in the garden and display area.

Whale monitoring has proved that between September and December this trail hosts more Whales than the De Hoop Whale Trail. Over 80 individuals sighted off Pearly Beach in one hour!

Day 3: Perlemoen Trail
Location: Pearly Beach – Franskraal
Rating: Medium / Easy: 15 km
We set out at the Marine Kiosk in Pearly Beach and the opportunity to gain extra insight into this amazing coastal ecosystem you are hiking through.

We then hug the rocky shore on the coastal footpath, great for whale watching in season. Pearly Beach is aptly named for its beautiful beaches which border the Uilkraal reserve.
We walk over long stretches of pebble shore backed by sandy dunes. Close to shipwreck of Un Hung (1989), an impressive 4 metre tall shell midden hides behind the dunes.
The flat open section towards the Uilkraal river offers a view of Great White Shark cage diving operation boats a few hundred metres off shore.
Then we cross the Uilenkraal river, between knee and waist deep, safely guided at the best spot along. (Don’t panic no sharks!)
We finish the day at Franskraal car park where an ice cream reward awaits.

Day 4: Perlemoen Trail
Location : Gansbaai harbour – Walker Bay
Rating: medium/ easy, moderate fitness, 4 km / 6 km
There’s options on this section, We can start at Gansbaai harbour, a traditional fishing harbour and walk the coastal trail towards De Kelders.
Or at Stanfords cove, 2km less. The trail turns into an impressive and safe cliff path with spectacular views over Walker Bay. Arguably the best land based whale watching spot in the world! The rock formations create deep plunge pools perfect to cool off on hot days.
Limestone caves dot the steep cliffs, and entering the caves is an experience for their natural beauty and historical significance.
The trail ends after lunch with a spectacular view point at Die Plaat overlooking Walker bay and Klipgat cave where excavations found evidence of stone-age mans occupation dating back 80 to 100 thousand years.